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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


As defined, inspiration is "arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity"..."arousing to a particular emotion or action"..."divine guidance"..."a sudden intuition as part of solving a problem." We can conclude that it is inspiration that has brought about progress in the world that we know today. I've often wondered what it might be like to be one of those people that have been inspired to create life changing things like the internet. The creation of Facebook has changed the way we socialize and how companies market their products and services. Facebook has been so revolutionary it even got a movie. But there have been other things that have changed how we live our lives...perhaps not a juicy as the creation of Facebook...I have not seen a movie about Bill Gates and Microsoft? If there is one out there I'd like to watch it. I am not one who has been inspired to make a great impact on how people live their everyday lifes thorugh invention but I am undoubtly inspired every now and then. I realize that when I was younger all of this "getting inspired" came easily to me. Perhaps my mind was less cluttered with to-do lists and more open to possibilities? I must say I miss those days when ideas flowed freely through my mind and my sensibilities ruled my thoughts and actions. It's like time has harden my shell. What is the solution to turn back this process?