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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anything you can do, I CAN DO BETTER!!


This morning GMA featured a book written by new ABC legal expert Dan Abrams (formerly Today Show legal expert) titled "Man Down." In his book, Dan explores the various studies done over a wide array of tasks in which women have been showed to outperform their men counterparts. The battle of the sexes continues! Although this book and having someone like Dan take women's side with hard data to back up the claim that women have for centuries have been fighting to prove is exciting, I can't help but wonder how long the buzz will last and how soon things will go back to as they were. Dan, of course a little richer and women still working harder than their male counterparts to prove themselves. It is nice to have someone from the other team look at the hard facts and admit to his sex's shortcomings. I would like to see the day when all men finally accept that women are just better than them at MANY things outside of their domestic stereotypes.

I have not read the book yet but from my personal experience with men (father, uncles, brothers, friends, boyfriends, in-laws, etc.) I don't need to read the book to know that without the cooperation and abilities of women, men would have a very difficult time getting by in this world. Women are the planners, the bankers, the caregivers, the thinkers, the supporters, the fighters, the motivators, the counselors, the leaders...all of these roles and many more at once. Women are the glue of society and of the world. When I think about this issue, I often think of the line said my the mother in the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, the man is the head but the woman is the neck and the neck can turn the head anyway it wants.

My personal experience has shown me that women can be better than men in areas where men are typical thought to be better at. However, I also know from personal experience that women often can lose their focus when working in groups with other women where men tend to team up as commrades, women see each other the competition even when they are on the same team. Why? Perhaps jealousy? Perhaps we work better with men because we are programmed to try to please them and get their approval? I imagine a room full of children, arm stretched as high as it can go without popping out of its socket, jumping out of their chairs oooh-ing saying pick me! pick me! when I think of women working together always trying to please some man, to get his attention, to show him she's the better female. Shouldn't it be the other way around like most of the natural world works? Well, perhaps we are no longer natural, pumped up with artifical everthing, from chemicals to foods to body parts.

I am in no way a feminist to any extreme, I believe that each sex contributes to the system that makes society function. I just want recognition as a woman from the men that we can better than them at many things. Men are still physically stronger than women and we need that. I like to tell my boyfriend when he tells me to put something heavy down that he'll get it that I can do it too...I may take a little longer and struggle more than him but I can do it. Like I mentioned before, men as a sex work better together. They tend to be more disconnected emotionally and can be better at tasks that require that emotional disconnect. I don't want to group all men and women into these stereotypes because there are always variations. This is simply my opnion today, my thoughts and they are living thoughts that will continue to change.